Source code for


Distribute thrift requests between workers.

from __future__ import absolute_import

import logging

from pyuv import Loop
from thrift.protocol import TBinaryProtocol

from .transports.base import Acceptors
from .state import set_current_app, get_current_app
from .listener import Listener, Listeners
from .hub import Hub
from .services import Services
from .utils.decorators import cached_property
from .utils.mixin import SubclassMixin
from .utils.stats import Counters, Timers

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ThriftWorker(SubclassMixin): """Store global application state. Also acts as factory for whole application. """ acceptor_cls = 'thriftworker.transports.framed:FramedAcceptor' def __init__(self, loop=None, protocol_factory=None, port_range=None, pool_size=None, shutdown_timeout=None): self.counters = Counters() self.timeouts = Timers() self.execution_timers = Timers() self.dispatching_timers = Timers() # Set provided instance if we can. if loop is not None: self.loop = loop if protocol_factory is not None: self.protocol_factory = protocol_factory self.port_range = port_range self.pool_size = pool_size self.shutdown_timeout = shutdown_timeout or 30.0 super(ThriftWorker, self).__init__() set_current_app(self) @cached_property def pool_size(self): """Return default pool size.""" return 1 @pool_size.setter
[docs] def pool_size(self, value): if value is not None and value < 0: raise ValueError('Pool size can not be negative.') return int(value or 1) or 1
@cached_property def port_range(self): """Return range from which we allowed to allocate ports.""" return None @port_range.setter
[docs] def port_range(self, value): if value is None: return None try: start, stop = int(value[0]), int(value[1]) except (IndexError, ValueError): raise ValueError('Port range must be tuple of two integers.') return (start, stop)
[docs] def protocol_factory(self): """Specify which protocol should be used.""" return TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAcceleratedFactory()
[docs] def default(cls): """Return default application instance.""" try: app = cls.instance() except RuntimeError: app = cls() return app
[docs] def instance(): """Return global instance.""" return get_current_app()
[docs] def loop(self): """Create event loop. Should be running in separate thread.""" return Loop()
[docs] def Hub(self): """Create bounded :class:`Hub` class.""" return self.subclass_with_self(Hub)
[docs] def hub(self): """Instance of bounded :class:`LoopContainer`.""" return self.Hub()
[docs] def Services(self): """Create bounded :class:`Processor` class.""" return self.subclass_with_self(Services)
[docs] def services(self): """Create global request processor instance.""" return self.Services()
[docs] def Listener(self): """Create bounded :class:`Listener` class.""" return self.subclass_with_self(Listener)
[docs] def Listeners(self): """Create bounded :class:`Listeners` class.""" return self.subclass_with_self(Listeners)
[docs] def listeners(self): """Create pool of listeners.""" return self.Listeners()
[docs] def Acceptor(self): return self.subclass_with_self(self.acceptor_cls, reverse='Acceptor')
[docs] def Acceptors(self): return self.subclass_with_self(Acceptors)
[docs] def acceptors(self): """Create pool of acceptors.""" return self.Acceptors()
[docs] def worker_cls(self): if self.pool_size == 1: return 'thriftworker.workers.sync:SyncWorker' else: return 'thriftworker.workers.threads:ThreadsWorker'
[docs] def Worker(self): return self.subclass_with_self(self.worker_cls, reverse='Worker')
[docs] def worker(self): """Create some worker routine.""" logger.debug('Using {0!r} worker'.format(self.Worker)) return self.Worker(self.pool_size)
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